Kristen Stewart’s Hair



Our plan for tomorrow is a celebration of a freedom from obligations. So what will two late thirty-somethings and their cats be doing? Having a Twilight marathon, and eating small amounts of unhealthy barbecue. Menu is planned, tv is ready, spa treatments selected (I like to find every opportunity for a spa day/slumber party in life). Why are we doing this? I’m not entirely sure why I am obsessed with this idea, except I am. I’ve seen each movie once, read each book once, and I think they are good, fun stories. I don’t have children so I’m not particularly concerned with their message. And the song A Thousand Years and all of the gothic, star-crossed lovers is delish. But here is what concerns me.

Kristen Stewart’s hair.

Until recently or very specific fashion shoots, she usually looks like she rolled out of bed, hit it with some 99 cent mousse and flipped it over her shoulder. Add that to her less than inviting personality when it comes to press events and Houston, we have a problem for Hollywood’s highest grossing actress. I personally think she should keep her attitude if its authentic – no one is telling a man how to be nice – and I am 99% sure she faked the entire Pattinson affair drama for increased press. I do not care. All I want to do is drag her to my stylist and have her hair washed and blown out. At least for industry events.

But recently I discovered that she HAS done events with good hair, which means she can learn. So I am free to watch Twilight (Team Alice) in peace. Have Good Hair, Kristen. You can do it.




365 Project

Well. About two months ago, I wrote one blog on beauty products and then went off the reservation. Sometimes I think my only settings are off and on and I was definitely OFF. Oral surgery, food poisoning, yadayada, and then somewhere in there, I went to see my doctor. Who was pretty ticked at me for not taking care of myself? Healthy food? No. Yoga? No. Gym? No. Decent sleep? No. Water? Barely. I was a mess and felt awful about myself. But one day I took a picture of a bunch of random things in my house and my yard and took one of myself. I discovered that my wisdom teeth surgery had given me back some cheekbones, but more importantly, I saw a lot I liked about myself. So then I took a few more, and then a friend of mine gave me some great information about iPhone apps that allow me to take and edit photographs. And then I decided. I am taking between 4-20 pictures of myself a day for 365 days. All with my iPhone or iPad, all by myself, and all as portraits of me in various states of being me. Full hair and makeup, walking on the treadmill, after yoga, in my office, in bed, in my yard, I have one in front of whole foods and another in front of northstrom already.

Of course I have aspirations for the end of the project, ideas for how I would curate it, hang it, organize it – from scrapbooking to studios – but the heart of the process is the same of the blog.  To help me find myself and see the beauty in life outside of law.  Stay tuned for more updates!

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